Thurberi (previously Hubbard) came to Seattle Animal Shelter (SAS) in early June 2020. The two-and-a-half-year-old rabbit was very shy and reserved while he was at the Shelter. Thurberi stayed in a foster home for about three months before being adopted by Allison in early September 2020.
The introduction to Thurberi’s new forever home didn’t go quite as expected at first. In addition to Thurberi, Allison has a senior cat named Matisse who experiences abandonment anxiety and did not react too fondly at the introduction of a new animal in her home. Both animals were very stressed and hiding from each other during the initial introductions. Thurberi actually hopped over his enclosure on the first day and ran around the house trying to hide, while Matisse did the same.
Wanting to provide the most comfortable and stress-free environment for both animals, Allison reached back out to Thurberi’s foster parents, expressing her concerns. While she wanted to keep Thurberi, she did not know if he would get along with Matisse in the long run unless she could provide him with a more secure enclosure that would keep both animals from spooking each other. Unfortunately, Allison was considering returning Thurberi to SAS because she did not have the resources available to provide the environment she believed would help both animals be comfortable.
…Enter Kimberlee Spicer and Seattle Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF). Kimberlee connected with Thurberi’s foster parents and learned about Allison’s concerns. Both parties agreed that they did not want financial constraints to stand in the way of Thurberi missing out on a forever home with an amazing adopter like Allison. Kimberlee received approval for funds from an SASF grant to provide Allison with the supplies she needed for a more secure enclosure for Thurberi.

With SASF’s aid, Allison was able to set up a private enclosure in a closet, equipped with a high baby gate that would keep Thurberi from escaping and running around. Having a more private space to himself, Thurberi became more relaxed and interactions with Matisse were much better than the first round of introductions. Allison noticed that within the first few days of the new set up, both animals would stare at each other a lot, but neither were spooked by the other like before. Also, both animals would get pretty close to one another, noticing the other while staying respectful of one another’s space — another major improvement since their first encounter.
Thurberi is still a little shy but is starting to warm up to Allison and his new home. “As long as he’s not being pressed for attention, he often approaches me full of curiosity,” shares Allison. He has also allowed Allison to sit with him while he eats and will readily eat from her hand. While he is still a little shy (Allison suspects he is still working through the trauma he endured as a stray), Thurberi is already settled into his space and making it his own. “He’s constantly renovating his space, and any time I touch anything, like to clean his litter box, he’s right in there fixing it.”

The way Thurberi has settled in is a true testament to the dedication Allison has in providing a comfortable home for both animals. Allison had planned to adopt a rabbit after Matisse, knowing how many rabbits are often abandoned and left to live on their own. Experiencing homelessness herself, Allison had worked hard to provide Matisse with stability and a comforting forever home. And now she has brought that same compassion and love for Thurberi.
“I don’t want to put any lives I take responsibility for in a precarious situation. The help I received to make things work with Thurberi gave me the confidence and resources to properly provide him with a forever home, without needing to worry about potentially returning him. Having a space of your own to feel safe can make a world of a difference. I can’t thank SASF enough for helping provide that for Thurberi!”

If you’re interested in helping critters like Thurberi find and settle into their forever homes, consider donating to the Seattle Animal Shelter Foundation.